Easy Guide To Organic Gardening

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Stop giving health food stores and fancy supermarkets your hard earned money for marked up organic produce and learn how to grow your own nutrition packed food!

Stop poisoning the environment with toxic fertilizers and chemicals and learn how to garden responsibly!

Learn How to Grow Luscious and Appetizing Produce That Would Be Prized By Any Gourmet Chef!

Dear Aspiring Organic Gardener,

If you have landed on this page you are probably interested in becoming an organic gardener or you have already been dabbling in this age-old way of growing produce for awhile with less than satisfactory results.

If you have never been an organic gardener before then you are probably curious as to what this “new movement” in agriculture is all about.

People have many reasons for wanting to grow their own organic produce. You are probably interested in the following benefits of growing food this way because –

You want to leave less of a carbon imprint on the planet and you realize that the trucks that carry supermarket quality green house grown produce to you are polluting
the air you breathe

You have read the statistics about commercially raised fruits and vegetables being far less nutritious for you and you want to do something about it so you and your family can stay healthy

You want to keep the integrity of hybrid seeds and discourage the development of pesticide resistant diseases which destroy entire crops year after year

You have been eating organically for some time but are sick and tired of paying three to four to ten times as much for a single fruit or vegetable just because it was grown organically

You have been sick and want to be in complete control of your diet because nobody can be sure that what the stores are stocking out there is completely 100% organic

You want to make sure that your children grow strong and tall because they are eating the best most nutritious food possible that can be grown on this planet

If you can identify just one of the statements above then you need to read
The Easy Guide to Organic Gardening.

However you might already be an organic gardener and if that is true then you can still greatly benefit from the information in
The Easy Guide to Organic Gardening. This is not just a book for rookies!

That is because organic farming can be tricky! If you are anything like me your first efforts were probably fairly dismal looking, especially in terms of their appearance!

Most organic gardeners are resigned to dealing with vegetables and fruits that look like they have been attacked by every pest and disease that ever evolved as being a necessary part of being a holistic, eco-conscious gardener.

Well I am here to tell you that your organic gardening results can look
better, taste better and have greater nutritional value.

If you are sick of withered looking, unhealthy vegetables that are good for you but look sickly on the plate, I can help you grow nicer, more picturesque produce without resorting to the use of chemical fertilizer I can help you do that as well!

Not Sure If Organic Gardening is For YOU?

Then ask yourself the following questions!!

Do you love nature including insects, worms, frogs, snails and everything else that can help make a healthy garden grow?

Do you believe that chemicals and pesticides in our foods contribute to all kinds of health problems including cancer?

Are you worried about the fact that our soils are exhausted of nutrients with little chance of recovery if everyone keeps on gardening with toxic chemicals and nitrogen fertilizers

Are you the type of person who is not satisfied with a quick fix when it comes to ecological problems but who is determined to change the world through proven agriculturally sound means?

Have you thought of actually going into business and selling healthy organic produce to the people in your neighborhood?

Have you ever wondered how the world became such a mess when practicing ethical agriculture gardening
is easily available?

After all it is not something you are ever going to read about in the newspapers because the media relies on advertising dollars from the very same organizations and companies that have to put fertilizers and chemicals in our foods!!

Also poisoning our soil, water and atmosphere with toxic gardening practices has become so commonplace that not everybody takes notice…it is just seen as a necessary evil.

In The Easy Guide to Organic Gardening I expose the secrets and strange history of agricultural practices including …

An explanation of how and when nitrogen fertilizers first began to permeate our soils and exhaust it of much needed nutrients and minerals

How farmers were able to grow healthy fruits and vegetables before the advent of nitrogen and chemical fertilizers

Why nitrogen based fertilizers are expensive to us in more ways than one

The practices of botanist Sir Alfred Howard who is often described as the “father of organic gardening.”

How in the sixties activist Rachel Carson managed to get DDT out of our lives after she demonstrated that it kills birds!

All about the movement attached to Organic Gardening Magazine that helped many enthusiasts switch from pesticides back to healthier ways of growing gardens

Why reducing our dependence on nitrogen and chemical based fertilizers is absolutely crucial to mankind’s long term survival on this planet

Why some of the substances that that commercial agriculture pours on our earth is so toxic that it should not be allowed to come within miles of our dinner tables

How organic produce actually ended up being more of specialty item that costs more to produce when it should be the other way around …

…and a lot more information about how we have become not only duped into avoiding organic vegetables but also paying more for them should we decide to eat them!

So is there anything wrong with just buying produce from your supermarket?

When it comes to your food you want to be sure that it is organic because according to a study done at Newcastle University in England it was discovered that organic fruit and vegetables contain up to forty percent more antioxidants than non-organic foods.

So let’s just say you wanted your child to eat just one carrot a day. Would you want him or her to snack on the one that has forty percent more antioxidants or give him or her one and a half more carrots to eat instead?

No wonder we are all getting so fat! We have to eat three to four times as much supermarket produce if we want to get the same amount of nutrition that is in the same serving of non-organic produce.

Also the United States Department of Agriculture is claiming that the level of essential minerals to be found in commercially produced fruit and vegetables has declined by a significant margin since the 1940s as well.

This makes sense because the majority of the chemical fertilizers used by commercial agriculture ‘swell’ fruit and vegetables to make them appear more luscious and appetizing by forcing them to retain more water.

Consequently, the extra money that you pay because those fruits and vegetables are bigger and therefore heavier is pretty much wasted as all you are buying is water with no nutrients or minerals whatsoever.

You also end up paying EXTRA money for these fruits and vegetables because they are bigger and heavier and weigh more on the scales. Sure they look pretty in a fruit bowl but nutritionally they are a disaster.

I teach you everything you ever needed to know about gardening from the very beginning including –

How to understand what the notion of gardening in harmony with nature really means

How to understand how to work with the inevitable inconsistencies that come with working with Mother Nature once you make the decision that you cannot control her (part of being a true organic gardener)

How to recognize weather and soil conditions so that you can identify those that are good for growing a particular fruit or vegetable

How to assess your nutritional needs, weather and soil to figure out what you are going to grow

How to use a standard bit of graph paper to plot out what your garden should look like

How to make sure that your garden has an abundant supply of water

How to make sure that you are using uncontaminated water to grow your organic vegetables and fruits (or else it is not really organic)

How to use recycled water to nourish your organic garden

…and a lot more information about how to position your garden so it is placed optimally to receive the best sunlight and rain and away from more destructive forces such as high winds.

You have also probably gathered by now that an organic vegetable, fruit or herb is ONLY as good as the soil that is grown in which is why there is a great deal of information in
The Easy Guide to Organic Gardening on:

How to make your own humus to enrich your soil

How to profile your soil and its needs by determining whether or not it is dense, tightly packed, dry, cracked, sandy, moist or binding

How to use a glass of water to correctly identify your soil types

How to mix soils to make a nutritious supportive loam for your garden

How to create raised garden beds so you can double your productivity

How to test your soil for pH balance and what the perfect acidic/alkaline balance of the earth must be to go organic

The secret of using iron supplements to enrich the soil and when it is possible to use too much

How to introduce conditioning materials like gypsum to the soil

How to quicken changes in soil composition that normally could not happen overnight without resorting to dangerous chemicals

How to identify compost that may actually be BAD for your garden produce

How to make use of the plan hardiness chart for the USA or the UK to know what you can plant in your area

How to test the temperature of the soil using a thermometer

Which “cool weather” crops you can plant early in the spring

What crops need “hot” soil to do well organically

How to read the back of a seed packet and really decipher what the charts have to say about what you are about to plant.

All about how to be a proper “double digger” to make sure your soil has great structure

How to prevent moist soil from becoming clay or mud

How to loosen up soil beds without disturbing the natural structure of the plant bed itself

How to work your garden so that you don’t have to do any garden maintenance and how you can even grow highly nutritious edible weeds

Why keeping some weeds in your garden is an ethical way of supporting wild life in your garden as well

…and everything else you have ever wanted to know about creating the type of soil that supports organic herbs, vegetables and fruit.

I know that when I first started gardening one of my main challenges was making sure that I was growing plants, not weeds and that what I did plant would actually produce fronds, leaves and eventually produce!

I recognize that not everybody who reads The Easy Guide to Organic Gardening will actually have a green thumb because I sure don’t.

Like you I was once just an enthusiast about organic gardening but scientific evidence about how our agricultural practices were depleting our resources soon convinced me to try and be a better gardener. That in a nut shell is exactly how this eBook came to be – I was completely useless when it came to wallowing around in the mud in my garden and I never dreamed that one day I could ever become an expert at growing organic vegetables.

I firmly believe that a lot of my expertise as a gardener had a lot to do with what I found out about planting seeds when I started to do a little research about the subject.

That is why a good deal of the focus in The Easy Guide to Organic Gardening is all about how to grow from seed including —

Access to a chart called the seed packet jargon buster that can help demystify what you can plant and what you can’t plant

How to plant very small seeds without losing them in your gloves, clothing and hair

How to successfully build a trench for planting your seeds

Why having too many seeds is better than not having enough

A discussion of the important role that mulch can play in your seeded area

Why a larger seed is more likely to grow a plant that can thrive outdoors than a small one

The advantage that smaller seeds have when it comes to germination

How to get a “head start” with seeds in the Spring by germinating them inside first

How to mix mature compost with sand and this secret medium to make sure indoor seeds germinate properly

How to make sure that seedlings that you are going to plant are tough enough to make it from indoors to outdoors

How to assess whether or not a seedlings bought from a garden center or shop are healthy enough to make it

How to make indoor seedlings hardier so they can successfully be transplanted outdoors

How to plant saplings in the garden so that they can thrive instead of become unattractive weaklings

How to identify how far apart certain plants should be planted so that they can thrive

How to prevent the roots of plants from drying out when you transplant them

How to use rocks to help your plant absorb the proper amounts of water and nutrients from the soil

How to handle a plant’s “root ball” so that you do not damage it

How to determine whether or not you have positioned a plant in the ground so that it is level

How to tap the soil flat so that you keep the plant secure yet not smothered too tightly by dirt

A discussion of how much you need to water the plants so cuttings or seedlings can be well established

How to make row covers out of things like plastic milk containers if the weather gets too cold and threatens your seedlings

A discussion of the absolutely ideal type of weather for transplanting seedlings

Where to find organic seaweed fertilizer

How to use weeds as a way of helping you pull nutrients to the surface from deep down in the soil

Why radishes are almost idiot-proof to grow and a good organic “beginner vegetable”

How to make sure that you can grow pest-proof tomatoes

Why you should plant this vegetable which just keeps giving and giving

Why spring onions, leeks and onions should be an indispensible addition to your garden

…and lots more information to help you put seeds and seedlings to bed so that they thrive and adjust to their new home and conditions quicker.

Did you know that holistic or organic gardening practice is not JUST about vitamins and minerals? It is also about being economical with the soil and growing as many crops as you can in the smallest space possible.

Although it is likely that if you are living in a temperate climate that you will start planting and sowing in the Spring it is not the only time you will be planting. This is because it is possible to plant two or three crops every year.

This practice is known as crop rotation and not only does it keep your soils fallow so that they can regenerate themselves by not having the same nutrients sucked up from the soil by the same crops repeatedly but it can keep nutritious organic fruits and vegetables on your table all year long.

This is why I have included an entire chapter in The Easy Guide to Organic Gardening about crop rotation. I answer all of your questions about this age old practice including…

Is my soil and climate suitable for growing two or even three crops a year? (You may be surprised at the answer!)

What are “cold weather” plants, how are they categorized and how can I plant them?

Can I start some plants while there is still frost on the ground?

What is defined as a “winter vegetable” and during what months of the year can I actually grow these?

How does crop rotation actually benefit the soil nutritionally?

What tools do I need to get started with organic gardening?

What are the different types of hoes and what is each one used for?

Can weeds be an ethical component of growing an organic garden or should I just pull them all out like I usually do!

… and many more solutions to common problems regarding this reliable and quite ancient agricultural practice.

One of the biggest areas of debate for organic farmers is just what exactly makes an organic fertilizer “organic” in nature. This is because almost all forms of fertilizer actually contain nitrogen and all nitrogen compounds (organic or not) are capable of burning the soil.

That is why in The Easy Guide to Organic Gardening I have included an entire chapter about organic fertilizers including –

A chapter on how to use organic materials that can rot to form humus that you then can use as an natural organic fertilizer for your garden

A sub chapter on what things can be added to a compost heap to help it break down as quickly as possible

How to make sure that your compost has a nice supply of air so that it does not become muddy

How to add rich natural sources of carbon to your compost to make it as nutritious as possible for your garden

What the best sources of natural non-toxic nitrogen are for your garden

A breakdown of what plants decompose the fastest should you need “humus in a hurry!”

How to deploy bird droppings into your humus to encourage nitrogen production

The perfect way to break down wood so that natural material can rot

A complete list of all of the things you might THINK belong in compost but should never, ever be part of it such as cat litter or cigarette butts!

Why you should take care to move your compost heap from place to place every year

Why bladderwrack and kelp (two types of seaweed) make great fertilizers

The things to watch out for if you collect seaweed from the beach or you could accidentally contaminate your organic garden

How to practice vermicomposting which is the fine ancient art of adding worms and worm droppings to your garden

How to build a vermicomposting grill which allows worm droppings to enrich your soil

How to make your own mineralized fertilizer out of broken down fish bits

How to make compost tea out animal manure to fertilize your plants with

How to safely use weeds to fertilize your soil without having them seed the area you are fertilizing

The name of a special plant that has leaves that can specifically be used to help fertilize tomatoes

The definite disadvantage of using decomposing hay for fertilizer

… and many other facts and practical tips!

Nitrogen and growth boosting substances aren’t the only problem plaguing us today.

There are also many natural ways of controlling the pests that can plague organic gardeners simply because they are taking the time and trouble to avoid toxic gardening methods.

In The Easy Guide to Organic Gardening I give you all kinds of safe and ecologically aware information about –

The common morning beverage that can help protect your plants against snails and slugs

The pretty bug that you can buy en masse online that will eat aphids, mites and white flies

How to put a certain kind of insect that loves munching on caterpillars to work for you

The recipe made from canola oil that is good for cleaning the leaves of infested plant

The role that milky spore can play in help killing insects in your garden

How to use diatomaceous earth to get rid of problems in an affected garden

How to treat fungal diseases with a spray made from baking in soda and water

… And lots more valuable information about how to keep your garden pest free and as natural as possible.

You can consider The Easy Guide to Organic Gardening to be the ultimate beginner’s text. Furthermore I have made this eBook as user friendly to read as possible and have included pictures and links to other resources on the internet. If you can’t find the information that you need in The Easy Guide to Organic Gardening you will certainly be able to find it in one of the resources that I point you to in the eBook.

I also wrote The Easy Guide to Organic Gardening with both the beginner and the more expert organic gardener in mind. If you are an expert you can use this eBook as an excellent reference that you can come back to again and again if you are a beginning gardener you can use it as a primer in how to get properly started in this age old way of growing plants.

Armed with the information in this book, you have everything you need to start your first organic garden and the sooner you do so, the sooner you will be able to start enjoying your own delicious and highly nutritious organic vegetables, fruits and herbs!

Reserve your copy of the Easy Guide To Organic Gardening today and I will also send you a brand new copy of the Beginners Guide To Growing Organic Vegetables absolutely free.

This book is designed for those who have never gardened before in anyway. It is written so that those with no gardening experience can understand the directions and learn how to garden quickly. Each step of setting up an organic garden has been explained in detail so that nothing is overlooked. All materials needed for setting up an organic vegetable garden have been outlined.

This Guide Will Help You…

1)Learn to Garden Organically

By reading this e-book you will learn how to garden using no chemicals or outside man made products. Most of the materials you will need to start a successful organic garden are already in your house! This guide will explain how to set up your own successful organic vegetable garden with little outside investment.

Once you have read this easy to understand guide you will be able to set up your own organic garden and grow your own 100% organic vegetables. You will no longer have to spend money purchasing vegetables from your local market that will go bad quickly and need to be replaced. Plus you will no longer have to worry about making last minute trips to the grocery store for vegetables you have run out of or that have gone bad.

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Why am I taking all the risk on myself? Because I believe in the methods that I have written about in ‘The Easy Guide To Organic Gardening’.

I KNOW they work – I have tried them all.

I believe in the results I’ve gotten for thousands of people, and because of that I believe that this method will work for you.

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