Fashion buyers are truly the first to know if an item or trend has lost its magic touch. And for them, it’s all in the numbers. Whether it be declining statistics in trends like “blanket dressing” or just stagnant inventory in the micro bag category. Going to them for their opinions of trends is always a good idea because they’ve likely already reviewed a two-page study on the matter and have adjusted their buying strategy for the season.
A fashion buyer attends runway shows and previews while also doing field research to find out what trends will come and go. It’s their job to curate the expertly crafted collections at our favorite retailers and they have it down to a science. Mathmatic formulas reveal to them how many units to buy of each item so they’re never overstocked. With their day-to-day being, so trend-driven, I had to ask for their opinion on what’s currently on the outs. Below, you’ll find the 4 things they know better than to continue shopping right now.