
The name Thuraya originates
from the Arabic name for the constellation of the Pleiades.  This SatPhone company  was launched in 1997 but started
operating in about 2001.   based
in the UAE, it is regional network that’s designed to provide mobile coverage
to more than 110 countries in Europe, the Middle East, North, Central and East
Africa, Asia and Australia….

Thuraya XT – with customized silicon cover – additional layer of protection
Thuraya Satellite in space

…. in all it provides mobile coverage to more than 110
countries. It has another string to its bow, as its satellite handsets are

This means subscribers can roam on both GSM networks as well as talk
through the satellite network. They’ve now sold well over 600,000 handsets


Constellation Of The Pleiades

Granted This SatPhone company is a dual-mode handset
(satellite and GSM) provider, however they don’t work everywhere, but this has not
stopped their popularity at all, the reason for this is simply because of the airtime
rates, handset costs and size. It must be noted that Thuraya does not work in North America.

When it comes to coverage in the most remote
locations it’s well-built satellite network provides connection at all
times, ensuring congestion-free satellite communications to provide users with
sustained connection at all times.  

Thuraya SG-2502 Satellite Phone

To put it in another way think of your normal conventional everyday GSM mobile phone, but on steroids. 

Technologically innovative satellite designs that ensure and confirms the reliability of each device and accessory, provides a truly superior satellite communication solution that’s far beyond the capabilities of terrestrial systems and mobile cellular networks.

Thuraya XT Lite (GEO SatPhone
Explorations to remote areas with Thuraya XT

……. which
means that not only will they remain connected when they are out of GSM
coverage, but also when Thuraya sat phone user is traveling where terrestrial
roaming charges are very expensive. 

The two satellite constellation orbits, notice how LEO (iridium) is so close to the earth and see how GEO is more than 36 times more further out in space


Thuraya Prepaid Scratch Card Refill Card

It can provide dependable roaming services for
post-paid and prepaid customers to over 361 worldwide GSM networks. With
roaming agreements confirmed with over 161 countries, subscribers from
those GSM networks can also insert a GSM SIM into a Thuraya Satellite handset
to benefit from roaming services throughout Thuraya’s satellite network……

Thuraya XT (GEO) communication Satellite Phone

So in other words, Thuraya provides a dual mode
phone that’s not only a satellite phone but also has GSM capabilities.

This is what really separates them from the rest of the satellite phone provider pack, and this is a very flexible capability indeed.

Thuraya HotPot and SatSleeve

Probably The best merge of a definitive source of
total global mobility coverage and projects minimalist simplicity is the Thuraya
SatSleeve, it’s the smartest, fastest and simplest way to transform your smartphone
into a satellite smartphone, most definitely one of the best mobile innovations
for SatPhone mobility, suffice to say that the SatSleeve is an industry

The Satellite Network Is In space

The SatSleeve allow you to make  phone calls, access to the internet including emails, instant messages and popular social media apps in satellite mode from anywhere in the world – well almost, across 161 countries across it’s coverage network.

Thuraya Satellite Coverage Of The World

Thuraya Satellite Coverage Map Of The World

Monthly Service Plans

Calls to Thuraya $0.99/min

Satellites fly Above all Weathers

Prepaid Service Plans

Latest Satellite Innovations Sat and GSM in One, one again from Thuraya

The World’s First Android-Based Satellite & GSM Phone

For starters and that’s for now,  the X5 Touch is offering unparalleled flexibility. Thuraya X5-Touch has a 5.2” full HD touchscreen for users who frequently move in and out of terrestrial coverage across a range of market sectors, including government missions, energy projects, enterprise communications, and NGO deployments.

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