Geometric Wealth Building Program

Product Name: Geometric Wealth Building Program

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If you thought the government’s destructive coronavirus
pandemic lockdowns were bad…

If you thought the government’s destructive coronavirus
pandemic lockdowns were bad…

…then I have a disturbing revelation for you:

…then I have a disturbing revelation for you:

That was merely the warm-up!

That was merely the warm-up!

There’s much, Much, More to come.  You can count on

There’s much, Much, More to come.  You can count on

And quite frankly, I don’t like it one

uite frankly, I don’t like it one

America was founded on the unalienable rights of
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

America was founded on the unalienable rights of
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

But, these days, they’re ignored like relics of America’s
glorious past.

But, these days, they’re ignored like relics of America’s
glorious past.

Control freak central planners with no
respect for the Country’s founding principles are running the

ontrol freak central planners with no
respect for the Country’s founding principles are running the

And they’ve trampled all over our
fundamental rights of free speech, freedom of religion, due
process of law, and freedom of assembly.

And they’ve trampled all over our

The coronavirus lockdowns proved this beyond a shadow of a

The coronavirus lockdowns proved this beyond a shadow of a

What’s more, it has nothing to do with public health. 

In fact, former President Barack Obama
recently threw a big bash at Martha’s Vineyard to celebrate his
60th birthday.

All the mucketymucks of the liberal political
and chattering classes were there.  Yet no one wore face

Here are several pictures of the birthday boy
himself, sans face mask…

Steven Spielberg, Tom Hanks, George Clooney,
Jennifer Hudson, Jay-Z, Beyoncé, Bradley Cooper, Don Cheadle,
Gabrielle Union, Dwyane Wade, Bruce Springsteen, Erykah Badu,
Steven Colbert, and John Kerry were some of the A-list celebs in

Nothing against these people…

But if this was a serious pandemic, don’t you
think they’d all be wearing face masks?

Moreover, just several days before, the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention forced all Americans,
even the vaccinated, to wear masks in indoor public places.

Obviously, this is about something far
different than public health.

President Biden and the socialists in Congress are pushing
for even greater control of your life. 

President Biden and the socialists in Congress are pushing
for even greater control of your life. 

Lockdowns were just the beginning. 
Mandatory coronavirus vaccinations to be enforced by your
employer is just another step…

…because what’s really going on here is something much

Agenda-driven bureaucrats are spreading the
virus of fear to remake America into a permission based society.

New coronavirus variants.  Cyberattacks. 
Climate change.  Terrorism.  The Russian menace. 
The China problem.  UFOs.

You name it…new opportunities for fear are
without limits…

Unfortunately, the socialists in power know
that a fearful populace is a subservient populace.

The more fear that’s implanted, the more the
people will allow government control of their lives and

The most advantageous kind of fear in the
eyes of the political class is fear that can be tied to some
sort of imminent economic calamity. 

Such fears are not entirely fabricated. 
Rather, they stem from a real threat, which is then whooped up
and overblown to the max.

This presents the central planners with
carte balance opportunities to go big…and save the people
from a supposed otherwise disaster. 

When the fear’s orchestrated just right, the
people actually demand it.  They plead for the government
to save them.

Perpetual fear, you see, is a prerequisite
for perpetual government intervention. 

Fear means big spending programs.  Fear
means big centrally planned solutions.  Fear means great
big deficits.  Fear means excessive levels of excessive

Fear means absolute control of your money and
how you spend it!

One of the last remaining ways to preserve
some level of economic privacy is under attack. 
Specifically, the freedom to pay with cash will soon be

When you pay with cash the authorities cannot
monitor and track what you buy.  They don’t know if the
cash you pulled from the ATM was stuffed in your mattress, or
used to buy groceries or ammo or silver coins. 

What’s more, the authorities don’t like this.

The control freak central planners want to
know what you are buying, and where and when you are buying. 
They also want to know how much you spend down to the very last

A digital dollar, coupled with the abolition
of cash, would allow them to do this.  Moreover, it would
provide them the ability to have full control over every
transaction you make.

Without question, the kingpin for
totalitarian governments is the employment of Central Bank
Digital Currencies (CBDCs).  These CBDCs would replace cash. 

This would be for your own good, of course. 
To eliminate nefarious transactions and black markets…or to
prevent the spread of a contagious plague.

What you may not know is the prospect of a
CBDC, such as a Federal Reserve issued digital dollar, is
already in the works.

In fact, last year Bank for International
Settlements General Manager, Agustín Carstens, confidently
detailed how central banks will have full control over retail
CBDC transactions, including the ability to block individual

“There is a huge difference [between CBDC
and cash].  For example, with cash we don’t know who’s
using a 100 dollar bill today.  We don’t know who’s using a
1,000 peso bill today. 

“A key difference with the CBDC is the
central bank will have absolute control under rules and
regulations that will determine the use of that expression of
central bank liability, and we will have the technology to
enforce that.”

Make no mistake.  The central planners
want absolute control over how you spend
your money.

Unfortunately, what’s coming to America is a
tyrannical and totalitarian government of the type the country
has never seen.

But in order for the central planners and the
elites to realize their vision of absolute control they must
further compel the population into greater dependency.

Thus, the number one thing you can do to
fight back is to remain independent. 

And a big part of that is to become
financially independent.

To do this, you must become exceedingly

Because wealth buys you options and
opportunities to protect you and your family from the long arm
of big government.

You can diversify and disperse your wealth
across assets that the government cannot touch. 

And, in doing so, you can ensure that you
will never be dependent on the government.

But first, you must become exceedingly

And here’s how I can help you…

Here’s the Unlikely Story of

How I Discovered Geometric Wealth…

and How You Can Use this

Build Your Own Family Fortune Too!

Back in the late-1990s, when I was just starting out, I
closely followed the advice of mainstream financial advisors. 

Back in the late-1990s, when I was just starting out, I
closely followed the advice of mainstream financial advisors

You know their spiel:
“buy and hold” an S&P 500 Index fund. 

was told this allocation strategy ensured a diversified portfolio that could safely weather the bursting of the dot-com

This couldn’t have been further from the truth. 

Between 2000 and 2002 the S&P 500 crashed over 40 percent. 
My hard earned money crashed with it.  Poof!

I was beyond frustrated.  I was demoralized.  The school of hard knocks taught me a very
expensive lesson…

The stock market is full of sharks.

And putting money blindly “in the market” does not achieve
capital allocation.  It achieves capital redistribution –
from you to the hungriest sharks in the tank, the pros on Wall Street.

Moreover, this
expensive lesson started me down the road less traveled…

…the road that eventually led me to the financial and personal
freedom I was always after.

Today I’d like to share with you the secret I discovered…and how
you can use it to build your own family fortune too.

First, I have a very important question to ask you…

First, I have a very important question to ask you…

Have you ever heard of Geometric Wealth Building?

You probably haven’t.

And that’s fine.  Most people haven’t.

It’s not something your broker or
financial advisor will tell you about. 
You won’t even
learn it at a high
priced business school. 

r will tell you about. 

ou won’t even
learn it at a high
priced business school. 

And that’s a real shame…

And that’s a real shame…

Because geometric wealth building has been used by many of
the world’s richest families for generations.

Because geometric wealth building has been used by many of
the world’s richest families for generations.

What’s more, the secret behind geometric wealth building is
super simple. 

What’s more, the secret behind geometric wealth building is
super simple. 

Once you know it, and understand how it works, you can
instantly begin using it to build your own family fortune too.

Once you know it, and understand how it works, you can
instantly begin using it to build your own family fortune too.

How I discovered this one simple secret
for building and accumulating life changing wealth is a story of
its own.

Quite frankly, it wasn’t easy. 

It took me decades of relentless research, experimentation,
and application to zero in on.  I’ll have more on this a
little later, I promise.

But first, a disclaimer…

To be clear, this isn’t a get rich quick scheme. 

To be clear, this isn’t a get rich quick scheme. 

You won’t become an overnight millionaire.

You won’t become an overnight millionaire.

If that’s what you’re looking for then geometric wealth
building is not for you. 

If that’s what you’re looking for then geometric wealth
building is not for you. 

That’s fine.  There are plenty of get rich schemes out

That’s fine.  There are plenty of get rich schemes out

But if you want to build real wealth, you’ve come to the
right place…

But if you want to build real wealth, you’ve come to the
right place…

with a little practice, and a simple change to your
thinking, you can immediately start building your own family

with a little practice, and a simple change to your
thinking, you can immediately start building your own family

…and you can become very rich at the same time.

No doubt, there are many benefits to becoming rich.  Like
having the freedom to really enjoy the good things in life…

…like traveling, visiting friends, spoiling your loved ones,
pursuing new business ventures, and volunteering in the community as you choose. 

All the while, your wealth is safely accumulating as you
build your family fortune.

This certainly beats pinching pennies or having to work well
past retirement age to make ends meet, right?

So why haven’t you heard of it?

To be fair, most brokers and financial advisors don’t
know about it — and business schools don’t teach it… 

But you, like many of the world’s richest
families, can use this one simple secret to safely accumulate and
build wealth year after year.

If you talk to the uber-wealthy, they’ll tell you:

If you talk to the uber-wealthy, they’ll tell you:

“Multidimensional pursuits are the real secret to building
and accumulating real life changing wealth.”

“Multidimensional pursuits are the real secret to building
and accumulating real life changing wealth.”

Indeed, this secret has been used by the world’s richest
families for generations…

his secret has been used by the world’s richest
families for generations…

John D. Rockefeller, for example, got his start in business as a

When the oil boom hit in the 1860s wildcatters were blinded by visions of quick drilling riches. 
Rockefeller did something different… 

When the oil boom hit in the 1860s wildcatters were blinded by visions of quick drilling riches. 

Rockefeller did something different… 

He focused on refining and developing
a wide range of new petroleum

He focused on refining and developing
a wide range of new petroleum

Later, the Rockefeller family multiplied their riches many
times over through their banking association with Chase Manhattan

Later, the Rockefeller family multiplied their riches many
times over through their banking association with Chase Manhattan

If Rockefeller had remained a produce broker his
family’s wealth trajectory would have been negligible.

If Rockefeller had remained a produce broker his
family’s wealth trajectory would have been negligible.

Similarly, Mark Cuban got his start as a bartender and then
as a computer software salesman. 

Similarly, Mark Cuban got his start as a bartender and then
as a computer software salesman. 

He then parlayed his
experience into starting his own computer systems integration

He then parlayed his
experience into starting his own computer systems integration

After that, he took his successes into broadcasting, media, and
ownership of the Dallas Mavericks. 

If Cuban had
stayed a bartender, he would have never attained life changing

There are countless examples of this secret at work…

Take retired professional skateboarder, Tony Hawk. 

He took his
modest competition winnings and turned it into the most unlikely
of windfalls through the licensed video game series, Tony
Hawk’s Pro Skater. 

Most people don’t realize that the wealth Hawk generated from
his video game was several orders of magnitudes above any money he made

Do you see what these wealth building stories all have in

…the resulting wealth was built through multidimensional

Make this Wealth Building
Secret Work for YOU 

Most people don’t have the ruthless business savvy of

Most people don’t have the ruthless business savvy of

…or the opportunistic entrepreneurial spirit of
Or the raw natural abilities of Hawk.

r the opportunistic entrepreneurial spirit of

r the raw natural abilities of Hawk.

I know I don’t.  No way.

I know I don’t.  No way.

And you don’t have to either.

And you don’t have to either.

In fact, you don’t need to have any of these traits
to make the wealth building secret of multidimensional
pursuits work for you. 

This is certain.  I’ve proven it.  And I’ve made this
secret so simple anyone can use it.

You do, however, need to do one thing…

You do need to make a small change to how you think
about saving, investing, and the endless array of opportunities
available in the world before you.

With this simple change, you can harness the same powerful geometric forces the
uber-wealthy use
to build and accumulate life changing wealth — week after
week, year after year.

Once you know how to apply these powerful geometric forces, both
symmetric and asymmetric, to your savings and investments you’ll be
on your way to rapidly accumulating and multiplying your wealth.

This is where I can help…

My name’s MN Gordon. 

You may be familiar with my work at
the Economic Prism, which is frequently picked up and
reposted on popular economic and personal finance websites,

Foundation for Economic Education, Zero Hedge, David
Stockman’s Contra Corner, Talk Markets, Acting Man, Investing
Money Trends, Gold Silver News, Zacks Investment Research, Dollar Collapse,, Len Penzo dot Com, Austrian
Economics, Silver Bear Cafe…and many, many others…

Through decades of relentless research, study, experimentation,
and application, I’ve
developed a wealth building program unlike any other. 

call it the Geometric Wealth Building Program. 

And it was specifically designed
to exploit and capitalize on the uber-wealthy’s secret
of multidimensional pursuits.

Here’s how it works…

True to its name, the Geometric Wealth Building Program
harnesses the powerful forces of geometry…

…and actively applies
them to investments, much in the same way the uber-wealthy
applies the secret of multidimensional pursuits to
building wealth.

The starting point for researching and identifying potential
investment opportunities is rooted in financial

We’re looking for great, cash gushing
companies that are trading at a discount to their intrinsic

This is a classic value investing strategy pioneered by Benjamin
Graham and popularized by Warren Buffett. 

Yet this is
where most value investing strategies stop…

That’s why they fall short and miss out on the secret of multidimensional

That’s why they fail to harness the same
powerful geometric forces of the uber-wealthy.

The geometric method used in the Geometric Wealth
Building Program expands the parameters of traditional value
investing to include…

…economic fundamentals, geopolitical
risks, technological breakthroughs, central bank monetary
policies, fiscal policies and currency implications, and much,
Much, More. 

This brings a deeper and broader level of thinking that’s
critical to piecing
together asymmetric puzzles into a compelling investment picture that most
people—including the pros—don’t see.

The objective is to zero in on companies where there’s a
catalyst—both symmetric and asymmetric—for an approaching
inflection point. 

The setups create explosive situations to capture
these inflection points and, more importantly, to capture

This may sound complicated at first.  But it’s really not.

Learning how to attune and calibrate your thinking
in this way doesn’t take much effort. 

With a little
training, you’ll discover a whole new hidden dimension to
finding profitable investments. 

Once you’ve trained
yourself to think and see the world through this geometric prism, you’ll find countless opportunities hiding in plain sight.

And I’ve taken all the work out of it just for you…

The geometric
method is clearly explained in the Geometric Wealth
Building Program that I’ve developed.

The program includes an extensive manual and five specific modules.

And I’ll show you how you can start using the Geometric
Wealth Building Program for accumulating life changing wealth in just a

…including how you can access a copy for FREE. 

But first, here are several recent Geometric Wealth Building
windfalls that my subscribers have capitalized on…

Remember, as mentioned above, the geometric method starts with financial
fundamentals, and then expands to…

…economic fundamentals, geopolitical
risks, technological breakthroughs, central bank monetary
policies, fiscal policies and currency implications, and much,
Much, More. 

The objective is to zero in on a catalyst for
an approaching inflection point. 

This geometric method uncovers companies that
produce outsized returns time and time again. 

Here are several examples of the
geometric method in action…

Capitalizing on the catalyst and
inflection point of Lockheed Martin’s Sikorsky helicopter
business for a low risk return of

Exploiting the “Powell pivot” with a low-cost silver
producer trading at an extreme discount for triple digit returns
in just 8 months!  Then riding it up for
a 245% return.

Acquiring the signature prestige of American Express
at a bargain basement price and attaining prime long-term
capital accumulation, including a
low risk return of 93.72%.

Mega growth profits as Starbucks conquers mainland China
— garnering a return of

Cashing in on the global gold supply crunch
for a return of 79.46%.

Targeting positive growth in one of the
world’s leading financial institutions for
a steady low risk return of

Buying portfolio insurance for wealth
protection during market turbulence to the sweet tune of
113.07% returns.

Investing in America’s efforts to
maintain its technological power gap and drone warfare edge
for a return of 233.39%.

Strategic diversification outside of
dollar based assets into two leading cryptocurrencies for
returns of 508.40% and 606.55%.

Can you see the power of the geometric method at work? 

If there’s a better way out there to build wealth, we’ve yet to
uncover it.  Have you?

Here’s what some of our subscribers are saying…

“MN Gordon: Thank you so much for the info on FNV, you have
made a fan from Canada.” — George B.

“Where did you learn this unique and special wisdom?  I
look forward to each new issue.  Subscribing to your
newsletter has been one of my smartest investments.” — John

“I LOVE reading your work product.  The
act of visualizing your thoughts brings pure pleasure.  Your
skill in employing allegories is superb.  The recommendations
have also been very beneficial.” — Mary W.

What’s holding you back?

This is likely the first time you’ve heard of the
Geometric Wealth Building Program. 

Developing it was no easy task. 

It took decades of relentless research, study,
experimentation, and application.

Through vigorous testing and refinement I specifically
designed this wealth building program to exploit and capitalize on the uber-wealthy’s secret
of multidimensional pursuits. 

And you won’t find
out about it anywhere else. 

Not from your broker or financial advisor. 
Certainly not at a high
priced business school.  And that’s a real shame…

Certainly not at a high
priced business school.  And that’s a real shame…

Because, as I said before…

I believe safely building wealth and accumulating
capital is something that should be available to everyone. 
Including you.

But the main strategy advocated by the financial services
industry won’t get you there…

Without question, buying and holding an S&P 500 index fund works great during a
bull market. 

No doubt, this approach consistently grows a retirement
portfolio during good times. 

But during a bear market it’s
an utter disaster. 

A decades worth of returns can be cut
in half—or more—seemingly overnight.

Has this happened to you?

Quite frankly, this has happened to far too many good,
intelligent, hard-working people. 

And the financial and psychological
impacts of these staggering losses are then compounded by even bigger mistakes…

Many investors, in a panic to recoup their
losses, will start chasing the next hot stock. 

even place big bets on options or delve into risky futures

They quickly trade the remainder of what was left of their
hard earned wealth away…lining the pockets of Wall Street.

If you’ve lost money buying and holding an S&P 500 index fund
or chasing the next hot stock…it’s NOT your fault.

You’ve been fighting an uphill battle.  Wall Street
brokers and financial advisors have been working against you. 

At the same time, the money games played by the Federal
Reserve and the U.S. Treasury have created an extremely
distorted market. 

Without a method that accounts for, and
even capitalizes on these distortions your money will
continue to be obliterated.

Fortunately, you don’t have to do this any longer. 

With the
Geometric Wealth Building Program you can
employ a proven, and well-tested method for safely building
wealth and a secure retirement during both bull and bear markets…and

But time is of the

The longer you follow main stream financial advisors, those
with a vested interest in Wall Street, the longer you’ll have
sub-par results. 

The longer you invest without taking
measures to protect your wealth from the Fed’s destructive
policies, the longer you’ll continue to suffer extreme setbacks.

Only those who make the active, life changing decision to get
off the investment rollercoaster and take control of their future will rise
above everything that’s been holding them back.

Of course, most people will hesitate.  They’ll let their
fears and self-doubts continue to hold them back. 

And a
decade from now they’ll still be stuck in the same disappointing
place they are right now.

For my part, I can lead a horse to water.  But I can’t
make it drink.

By this, I urge you to give the Geometric Wealth
Building Program a try. 

Take control of
your future.  Get on the same path as the uber-wealthy today!

What’s more, I’ve already done the heavy lifting for

The Geometric Wealth Building Program was borne
out of my own wealth building struggles in the wake of the
late-1990s dot-com bubble and bust.

You see, if there’s one thing I despise it’s losing my
hard-earned money. 

I prefer a very conservative investing
approach.  I leave chasing the next hot stock and exotic
speculations to others. 

Sure, some people may hit these big wins. 

But most people
lose their shorts big time.  That’s not my style. 

even supposed conservative strategies are dangerous.

For example, in the years leading up to the dot-com crash, I followed the advice of mainstream financial
advisors…to “buy and hold” an S&P 500 Index fund. 

The experts said this strategy provided me with a diversified portfolio of
holdings that could safely weather the bursting of the dot-com

They were dead wrong. 

Between 2000 and 2002 the S&P 500 crashed over 40 percent, taking my
investment wealth down with it.

What a disaster! 

I had been diligently saving and
investing my hard-earned money and rigorously following the
advice of financial advisors. 

But what did it get me? 

What it got me was significant losses. 

Does this sound familiar?  If so, it’s not your fault. 

Wall Street brokers and financial advisors won’t tell you
there’s a better way. 

They’re too fat and happy collecting
fees off the back of your labors.

But, like you,
I knew there had to be a better way.  So I put all my
energy into finding it. 

This became a constant, obsessions
of mine.

I studied the uber-wealthy to discover their secrets
for building wealth. 

I studied different investment
strategies and tactics to learn what works and what doesn’t
— and when. 

as I went, I put what I was learning into
practice…refining and improving my approach and results as I

Through decades of relentless research, study, experimentation,
and application I
developed the Geometric Wealth Building Program to…

…exploit and capitalize on the uber-wealthy’s secret
of multidimensional pursuits.

Using this wealth building program I’ve been able to safely
build and accumulate investment wealth in both bull markets and
bear markets. 

This strategy held up well during the
2008-09 bear market, and again during the COVID-19 selloff in
early 2020.

Here’s how it works…

Geometric Wealth Building Program is centered around
the practical execution of the following seven critical steps…

Step No. 1: Financial Fundamentals

This step, which includes the “secret of sound investing,” is a
critical starting point for evaluating investments with
geometric wealth building potential. 

But it is only the
first step.

Step No. 2: Economic Fundamentals

No investment strategy is complete without considering
overall economic fundamentals. 

Without this important step
you may be unknowingly placing your investments at undue risk.

Step No. 3: Geopolitical Risks

The evaluation of geopolitical risk is essential to
understanding how domestic and international political factors
can impact investment returns. 

Understanding geopolitical risk
also opens the door to opportunities for asymmetric returns. 
This step is a must.

Step No. 4: Technological Breakthroughs

No wealth building strategy is complete that does not
consider technological breakthroughs. 

Big technological
breakthroughs provide opportunities to acquire outsized –
asymmetric – returns.

Step No. 5: Central Bank Monetary Policies

Unfortunately, the world monetary order is under the
influence of central bankers, including the U.S. Federal

Understanding central bank policies and
anticipating their implications to financial markets is an
important step in the selection of geometric wealth building

Step No. 6: Fiscal Policies and Currency Implications

How to invest and protect one’s wealth in an age of fiscal
recklessness and paper currency destruction is a critical step
to prudent asset allocation for geometric wealth building.

Step No. 7: and much, Much, MORE

No wealth building strategy is ever complete.  The
world is evolving.  As the world changes we must adapt.  If we
don’t adapt, we are doomed to failure. 

Step No. 7 accounts
for adaptation and evolution in identifying significant wealth
building opportunities.

Here we’ve merely scratched the surface of what goes into these
seven critical steps. 

These seven critical steps — among other items — are outlined in
explicit detail in the Geometric Wealth Building Program
Manual – Harness the Secret Geometric Forces of the
Uber-wealthy that I wrote.

This Manual documents the geometric method.  It provides
detailed instruction on how to execute these seven critical

And how to zero in on catalysts for outsized, geometric

The Manual and its five modules include numerous examples of the geometric method in

Historical examples and context are included, to
provide you with everything you need to execute geometric wealth

So you can capitalize on the uber-wealthy’s secret
of multidimensional pursuits.

Twenty years of my life went into this program.  You will
not find it anywhere else.

The only place to discover it is in the simple
— user friendly
—   Geometric Wealth Building Program

The only place to discover it is in the simple

   Geometric Wealth Building Program

What’s more, I’d like to give you a FREE

What’s more, I’d like to give you a FREE

Here’s how you can get started…

However, when you become a
monthly subscriber to MN Gordon’s Wealth Prism Letter…

…you’ll receive a FREE copy of the Geometric Wealth
Building Program Manual and five
associated Geometric Wealth Building Program Modules…

What’s more, you are under no obligation to remain a
subscriber for any specified length of time. 

If you really
wanted to, you could subscribe, download the FREE
Geometric Wealth Building Program Manual and five
associated Geometric Wealth Building Program Modules
(more on these below),
and then immediately cancel your subscription.

Plus, you’ll get to keep
the copies of the publications you received, as a thank you, for
giving us a try.

Obviously, it’s to your
financial advantage to stick around so you can
benefit from the wealth of material and actionable information
you’ll discover each month as part of your monthly subscription. 

Specifically, the investment opportunities included in
MN Gordon’s Wealth Prism Letter are not just
other variations of the worn-out investment ideas of the past. 

he investment opportunities included in
MN Gordon’s Wealth Prism Letter are not just
other variations of the worn-out investment ideas of the past. 

They are unique, easy to understand, and logical

— the result of decades of intensive study of
inflation, deflation, recession, depression, and investing.

They are unique, easy to understand, and logical

the result of decades of intensive study of
inflation, deflation, recession, depression, and investing.

Moreover, the investment opportunities included in MN
Gordon’s Wealth Prism Letter are identified and
executed following the Geometric Wealth Building Program…to
exploit and capitalize on the uber-wealthy’s secret
of multidimensional pursuits.

We do the hard work for you!

As a subscriber, each month you will receive my latest
research, including opportunities to build geometric wealth. 

opportunities are written up and synthesized each month in MN
Gordon’s Wealth Prism Letter.

In addition, upon subscribing to
MN Gordon’s Wealth
Prism Letter, you’ll receive…

…a FREE copy of the
Geometric Wealth Building Program Manual and
FREE copies of five associated Geometric Wealth Building
Program Modules. 

Inside these publications you’ll find
details on the geometric wealth building investment approach and strategies I’ve developed…

…and actionable recommendations you can
instantly begin using to build your own family fortune.

[Note that this newsletter and these publications are only offered in digital
form as an Adobe PDF.  Hard-copy delivery is not an

When you subscribe to MN

I believe you will quickly come to find the wealth of
information you receive in MN Gordon’s Wealth Prism
Letter to be at a remarkable discount.

The subscription pays for itself many times over.

And I think
you’ll remain with us for a long, long time. 

Of course, it is
entirely your choice whether you decide to stick around or not…

To be clear, MN Gordon’s Wealth Prism Letter
isn’t for everyone.  In fact, it may not be for you.  For
instance, if you want to…

Play the markets for short term speculative success. 
Remember, most speculators lose in the end.

Throw your money away on a service that pretends to offer
a prescription for trading one’s way to wealth.

Execute a strategy of high frequency day trading guided
by quantitative algorithms and other complicated

Pay for a service that mindlessly uses past data as a
theory for making forecasts about future investment returns.

Chase the latest new investment fad or speculate on “hot”
growth potential stories.

Pursue high returns at the undue hazard of making high
risk investments.

Engage in margin-based leveraged trading.

Swallow magic investment pills…grasp after get rich
quick schemes…and the like.

…then you should look elsewhere. 
Gordon’s Wealth Prism Letter is definitely not for you. 

To the contrary, if you are interested in…

A direct, honest approach to investing and building

Following a strategic framework that provides a
foundation to safely save, invest, and accumulate capital.

Opportunities that come from deliberated reflection on
the macroeconomic factors influencing where, at the present
moment, we reside in the boom and bust of the business

Investments that factor in the Federal Reserve’s monetary
policy and Congress’s fiscal policy, and how these policies
of government intervention will influence the economy and

Investments that offer an attractive price in relation to
underlying asset value.

An investment philosophy that incorporates strategies for
managing psychological factors of fear and greed, and the
human predilection to buy high and sell low.

An approach that minimizes the fees and taxes paid to
Wall Street brokers and Uncle Sam, which greatly erode
investment returns and grind away long-term compounding of

Applying a super simple – yet highly effective – strategy
for managing risk.

…then you should absolutely, without a doubt, subscribe to
MN Gordon’s Wealth Prism Letter! 

In fact, in addition to Geometric Wealth Building
Program Manual…

I’ve written Five Geometric Wealth Building Program
Modules that crystallize and provide practical
instruction on how to apply the Geometric Wealth
Building Program…

In particular, you’ll also receive the following Five
Geometric Wealth Building Program Modules for FREE…

Module 1

Tax Recovery Program: Recover Your Federal Tax Dollars from
Uncle Sam

Module 2

Normalization Ends: A Low-Cost Silver Producer at a Discount

Module 3

Prestige On Sale: Prime Long-Term Capital Accumulation

Module 4 —
New Growth Prospects: Invest in Howard Schultz Like it is

Module 5

Gold Supply Crunch:
High Value Gold Royalty and Streaming Profits

As you can see, in addition to the Geometric
Wealth Building Program Manual, these Five
Geometric Wealth Building Program Modules offer a wealth of valuable
guidance and case studies for executing the geometric method.

addition, when you subscribe, you do so at minimal

However, there
are a few things still out there… 

For instance, you can buy a cup of good quality coffee
or a couple packs of gum. 

You can buy a
Big Mac at

Incidentally, I believe my Wealth Prism Letter
will, in fact, contribute to a significant improvement in your

At that price there really is
very little risk to you. 

If you subscribe and come to find
that MN Gordon’s Wealth Prism Letter is not for
you – or does not significantly improving your life – you can
cancel at any time. 

In truth, you can cancel at any time
for any reason you want: No Questions Asked.

…less than the cost of a Big Mac combo each

On the flipside, the potential benefits are

In fact, given the
deep value you’ll receive and the many geometric wealth building opportunities you’ll discover,
I’m confident you’ll be a
long-term customer.

Most subscribers are.

When it comes down to it I know you’ll find this price
to be a fantastic bargain.

Plus, if you take the 75 information filled
pages you receive in the Geometric Wealth Building
Program Manual and five associated Modules,
and apply them,
building life-changing wealth and your own family fortune is within your reach. 

This, indeed, is something you can’t put a price on.

Plus, if you cancel your subscription you can even keep
the copies of the publications you received, as a thank you, for
giving them a try. 

That way, you risk very little.  But the upside of
geometric wealth building is limitless.

Before closing, I’d like to take a moment to review
what you’ll receive. 

Upon placing your order you’ll receive immediately
access to a private webpage where you can access and download
monthly issues (Adobe PDF) of MN Gordon’s Wealth Prism

New issues will be published the first
Monday of each month.  We’ll even send you an email
notification when new issues are posted. 

In addition, you’ll receive access to and can
immediately download an Adobe PDF of the Geometric
Wealth Building Program Manual – for FREE.

You’ll be able to save, print, and refer to them
again…and again…and again.  [Note that this manual is only
offered in digital form as an Adobe PDF.  Hard-copy
delivery is not an option].

You’ll also be given (as downloadable Adobe PDFs) the
following Five additional Geometric Wealth Building
Program Modules — for FREE.

Module 1 – Tax Recovery Program:
Recover Your Federal Tax Dollars from Uncle Sam

Module 2 –

Normalization Ends: A Low-Cost Silver Producer at a Discount

Normalization Ends: A Low-Cost Silver Producer at a Discount

Module 3 – Prestige On Sale: Prime Long Term
Capital Accumulation

Module 4 – New Growth Prospects:
Invest in Howard Schultz Like it is 1992

Module 5 – Gold Supply Crunch: High Value Gold
Royalty and Streaming Profits

For a limited time, as a
special thank you, you’ll also
receive a FREE copy of the Bonus Report – A Skeptics
Guide for Buying Gold, Silver, Bitcoin, and other

If you find that it’s not right
for you, just cancel your subscription and you’ll never be
charged again.

get started today, simply click the order link below. 

will take you to a secure order form, where you can enter your
payment information, and review the order details before submitting your

When you subscribe to MN

Thank you for reading and considering this opportunity. 
But, most importantly, please take advantage of it.

Of course, it’s no skin off my back if you don’t.

Of course, it’s no skin off my back if you don’t.

But if you’re counting on traditional investing strategies
to build wealth and your own family fortune you’ll be out of

But if you’re counting on traditional investing strategies
to build wealth and your own family fortune you’ll be out of

And if you’re counting on traditional retirement income streams
to fund your golden years, you have another thing coming.

The Geometric Wealth Building Program offers a
way out, and a means for a much better and more prosperous life. 
But only for those who grab a hold if it.

The choice is yours…

MN Gordon, Editor and Publisher
Wealth Prism Letter

P.P.P.S.  As an added bonus, as part of your order you’ll receive a
subscription to the Economic Prism Email Newsletter. 
Published every Friday, the Economic Prism brings clarity to the
muddy waters of economic policy and covers interesting, and
potentially profitable investment opportunities.  It won’t
cost you a penny.  But I believe you’ll find it to be
highly valuable.

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