Parental control | anti porn | kids safety | block web site | content filtering | k9 parental control | porn addiction | block websites

Product Name: Parental control | anti porn | kids safety | block web site | content filtering | k9 parental control | porn addiction | block websites

Click here to get Parental control | anti porn | kids safety | block web site | content filtering | k9 parental control | porn addiction | block websites at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Parental control | anti porn | kids safety | block web site | content filtering | k9 parental control | porn addiction | block websites is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


From The Desk Of Martin Brendal

I’m on a Mission to Help You Protect Your Family – It’s That Important!

Dear Friend,

My name is Martin Brendal and I’d like to share a little story with you. Perhaps you’ll be able to relate to my story and the horror I was faced with like so many other parents I know.

A few years ago I found myself worrying more and more about my children’s safety online.

One day while at the dinner table my 7 year old daughter asked me why some people are naked on the computer. My wife and I nearly fell out of our chairs.

When I asked her what she meant … her reply was “I saw them on the computer.”

Then, she continued to tell us…

I was outraged to say the least. I became so angry.

I asked her why she didn’t yell for mommy or daddy and she said she just “X’ed” it off because she was afraid we’d get mad at her.

We assured her we wouldn’t be mad… and that it wasn’t her fault … but also explained to her that she needed to let mommy or daddy know if that ever happened again.

But I was totally puzzled…

“I had the latest “4 Star Rated” internet

filtering software installed on every computer in our home… yet somehow my 7 year old daughter was still exposed to that crap?”

I’m not a passive parent. I’m pro-active in everything I do … especially when it comes to ensuring my children are safe and protected when they’re on the computer.

How could this have happened?

So, that evening I went on a mission and checked every computer and every setting on the filtering software we had installed. And I made sure everything was configured correctly. Turns out it was. So I figured it must’ve been a fluke. But I was still mad as hell and very concerned.

Fast forward a few weeks and life went on uneventful for the most part. Once again I felt confident we nipped the problem in the butt fast and it wouldn’t happen again.

My wife was now paying more attention to our children when they were online… and everything seemed to be going smoothly. Whew!

Then one day I was checking emails in my home office and I got one of those “Hot Naked Girls Live” emails. I’m sure you know the kind I’m talking about.

I deleted it immediately … but couldn’t help wondering why my filtering software let me down again. Hell.. that could have been my son or daughter that got that email.

Once again.. I was very upset and even more determined I was going to find a better way to protect my family from all this obscene, adult material.

And then came the straw that broke the camels back…

I came home from work one day about 4:30 in the afternoon. My son and I had plans to go to a high school football game that evening and I was excited to get home and spend time with him.

My wife was in the kitchen cooking dinner, while my daughter was busy helping mommy by peeling the husks off the corn cobbs she was getting ready to cook.

I threw my coat over the back of the couch, went into the kitchen and gave my two girls a kiss hello — and asked where Ryan was. My wife told me he was upstairs in his bedroom doing his homework.

I ran upstairs to let him know I was home. I was so excited for our “boys” night out. We didn’t get to spend nearly enough time together.

When I opened his bedroom door I was horrified….

I was furious. I screamed and ranted and demanded an explanation!

He knew I was mad. He could see it in my eyes and hear it in my voice. He told me one of his friends from school gave him a link to this website at lunch – and he was curious so he checked it out.

Now what? Once again I thought I blocked all this stuff. Why was he able to access this site? And what was I supposed to do now?

That weekend I called my brother just as I did every weekend – but this time it wasn’t just to see how the family was doing and shoot the breeze a little …

The truth is… we rarely got to see each other … him living in Dallas Texas as the Lead Developer of a small software engineering firm … and myself in Missouri as a busy salesman for a large corporation … but we always made sure we found the time to speak on the phone every weekend.

But this weekend… I had a mission to accomplish. This phone call wasn’t just for casual chit-chat… I needed his help!

I explained to him what’s been happening with my kids and the whole “porn” issue I was having. I knew if anyone could help me it was him. After all, he manages a small team of software developers for a living.

If he couldn’t help me.. nobody could!

We talked for several hours. I told him I wanted him to help me develop the absolute best software ever invented that would GUARANTEE my family was safe but also help other families protect their children from Internet porn and uninvited adult content.

And after two full years of reseach and development … MyPornBlocker™ was born.

Software supports Mac and Windows
(We have updated this software to support both versions
of computers.)

The fact is… I wanted MyPornBlocker™ to be much more than just a porn filtering software application. I wanted it to be the one piece of software every family could rely on to block all uninvited content that may be harmful to children.

Just look at some of the benefits of MyPornBlocker™…

The patented design of MyPornBlocker™ has a prominent advantage over the usual way most similar porn blocking software applications function.

Most similar programs check ONLY the URL of the requested page against a database of supposed “indecent” addresses – and these databases have to be updated constantly. This way of porn blocking is not GUARANTEED effective because hundreds of new sites appear online every minute – YES! EVERY MINUTE.

Unlike these other programs, MyPornBlocker™ has special functions that allow specific analyzing of the page content itself. It doesn’t rely on a database of URLs or suspicious sites…

It checks and double checks the actual content that is being loaded and displayed on the PC itself.

So even if your child stumbles across a brand new site that’s less than 10 minutes old and contains obscene content, MyPornBlocker™ will stop him or her from viewing this site instantly – without the need to have a database updated manually like our competitors.

While I was doing my research in developing MyPornBlocker™ I came across some pretty alarming statistics I’d like to share with you concerning our children’s


In reality…. although MyPornBlocker™ was specifically developed to keep our children safe from unwanted adult content … statistics don’t lie.

Internet porn can become a problem for all ages. Many adults have admitted they are “addicted” to pornography. The constant bombardment of “Sex” makes it difficult for many men to avoid the temptation.

We all need to wake up to what is happening!

They also say that the three “A’s” of internet porn make it even easier to get into trouble.

As I told you at the beginning of this letter.. I’ve made it my mission to see that every single family on Earth can afford to protect themselves from unwanted pornography invading their lives.

So, that’s why I’m offering you my 60 DAY RISK FREE TRIAL of MyPornBlocker™ Today!

I am so confident you’ll absolutely love my patented MyPornBlocker™ Software and find it’s ease of use to

over-exceed your every expectation… that I’m going to put my money where my mouth is and let you try this award winnng, patented software for 60 days risk free.

If, at any time within your 60 day trial period, you find any unsolicited pornographic material on any computer my software is installed on … I want you to let me know immediately and I will instantly refund every penny of your purchase price.

In addition, if you don’t find MyPornBlocker™ to easily install and configure within 5 minutes… I’ve let you down and for that reason I want you to request a refund.

I’ve put 2 full years of my life into creating this software and I won’t let you down. I personally use it to protect my family… and you can rest assured it will protect your family as well.

How much is your family’s safety and security worth to you? Just think about how brainwashed our children can become when exposed to such explicit, vulgar sex acts that most adults wouldn’t ever consider healthy in their relationships.

Is that what we want our children’s views of sex to be while growing up? That’s not what I want for my children. I know that for sure!

And just the added security of knowing my family is protected from such graphic adult content is worth every penny and every pain-staking hour I’ve invested to bring this product to life.

But the truth is… (And I said it at the top of this letter and I’ll say it again) I’m on a mission to see that every single family on this green earth has the opportunity to have my software available at a truly affordable price.

So for that reason I sat and thought about it long and hard – for months and

months… I discussed it with experts and friends. I discussed it with my wife. I discussed it with my brother.

That’s less than 1 year with virus protection to have the Guaranteed assurance that your family is 100% safe and porn free.

… And after some clever number crunching — we pulled it off.

Call me crazy! Call me nuts! Call me anything you want… but I insist on making this offer an absolute no brainer! I remember the wretched feeling I had when I walked into my 11 year old son’s bedroom and witnessed first hand my innocent boy starring at images that would make a grown man wince.

I don’t want another mother or father to ever feel those feelings of failure like I did. Yes failure! I failed my son.. I failed my entire family! I didn’t protect them. And I don’t want you to ever have to feel that same way I did.

So therefore I’m willing to practically give my software away if that’s what it takes to ensure every family has a copy of MyPornBlocker™ on their computer.

I wish you and your family the very best of all life has to offer! Protect your family! They’re the best thing you have in this life.

P.P.S. And remember, porn isn’t illegal and everyone has the right to view adult material if and when they feel the time is right. So I’ve made it just as easy to turn the filtering off as it is to turn it on. The choice is always yours and always should be!

P.P.P.S You also have my 60 DAY RISK FREE TRIAL GUARANTEE! If for any reason my software doesn’t live up to every claim I’ve made on this website, just let me know and I’ll instantly refund every cent of your purchase price!

Parental control | anti porn | kids safety | block web site

Block web site | Content filtering | Web filtering

“I’m so glad I found your software! My 9 year old son’s computer was infected with some type of spyware and he was getting all kinds of popups that were pretty alarming.

We tried removing them with spyware removers and anti-virus software but had no luck.

My wife suggested we try your product and as soon as we installed it.. NO MORE POPUPS.

Thanks you! We now feel confident that our child is safe on his computer.”

John P.

Scranton, PA.

I’m a small business owner and I recently found out some of my employees were viewing obscene material while at work.

That’s something I have to really be concerned about.

We employ both male and female workers and I could face sexual harrassment charges if I don’t protect ALL my employees from that kind of stuff.

Well hello MyPornBlocker!

Works like magic and I don’t have to worry about that sort of content ever being viewed in the office anymore.

Thanks for the excellent product.”

Frank S.

Portland, OR

“I’m sort of ashamed to admit it… but I wanted to write and thank you for the excellent product.

You see, I’m a happily married 29 year old man.. but I recently found myself browsing online pornography several hours a day at times. I was worried I was becomming an addict.

I love my wife and yet I found myself more interested in browsing porn than spending time together.

So, I went online and did some research and I found your product.

I installed it on our computer and now I stay away from those sites.

Thanks for creating such an awesome product.”

Dave C.

Carterette, NJ

“My husband and I have been married for 22 years now and he recently began viewing a lot of pornography online.

It didn’t bother me at first, but then I started really feeling bad about it.

I purchased your software and told him I installed it… and he actually thanked me for doing so.

Thanks for the great product!”

Sandra Z.

St. Petersburg, FL

Great product! Now I know my kids are safe from all that garbage!

And it’s lived up to all your claims. Easy to install and works just as you promised.

Joseph A.

Ontario, NY

“I’m a single mom and I work two jobs to make ends meet. My mom spends most days and evenings at my home babysitting my children for me.

I was concerned because I know she’s not as attentive as she once was.

So, I purchased your software and now I have no worries about what my children are doing online when I’m at work.

Thanks for the peace of mind.”

JoAnn M.

Cincinatti, OH

“All I can say is BEST PRODUCT I’ve ever purchased! It was simple to install and works like a charm.

Please add my name and comments to your website. I’m a happy customer!”

Carl T.

New Haven, CT

“I wish I found your product years ago. I too purchased what I thought was “The Best” filter available.

But it turns out… that company must spend all their money on advertising instead of actually doing some research.

Their software never lived up to it’s claims!

But your software hasn’t failed me yet. I’m really impressed (and I don’t get impressed easily).

Debby P.

Nashville, TN

I’m a divorced father of three and only see my 3 boys on the weekends.

I try to give them some freedom.. and not constantly harp on them about what they’re doing when they’re on the computer at my house.

But I recently noticed some adult sites listed in my browsing history and I knew one of them had to be the culprets.

Boys will be boys… BUT NOT ON MY SHIFT!

So I didn’t say a word… and just purchased your software and installed it in 5 minutes.

Problem solved. Thank you@!

Scott W.

Seattle WA

Impressed with support and how program works

I am very pleased and impressed with your honesty and efforts to answer my questions.

Your program is perfect. I like it, it’s easy to use and does everything that I am looking for.

I… really like the Logs and Charts section that I can check into at night to find what sites my children are trying to gain access to, and that the product is prohibiting it… since downloading not once has anyone been able to access these websites. I know they have tried because of the Logs and Charts.

Sunny Job

Hamburg, Germany

So far I’m pretty happy with the MyPornBlocker software. It definitely blocks sites like it’s supposed to. I am also very pleased with your support and your ability to update the software based on my feedback.

Thanks again! It is businesses like yours that really make the difference in the world.”

Berry Clark



I’m a single mom and I work two jobs to make ends meet. My mom spends most days and evenings at my home babysitting my children for me.

I was concerned because I know she’s not as attentive as she once was.

So, I purchased your software and now I have no worries about what my children are doing online when I’m at work.

Thanks for the peace of mind.

JoAnn M.

Cincinatti, OH

I wish I found your product years ago. I too purchased what I thought was “The Best” filter available.

But it turns out… that company must spend all their money on advertising instead of actually doing some research.

Their software never lived up to it’s claims!

But your software hasn’t failed me yet. I’m really impressed (and I don’t get impressed easily).


John P.

Nashville, TN

I’m a divorced father of three and only see my 3 boys on the weekends.

I try to give them some freedom.. and not constantly harp on them about what they’re doing when they’re on the computer at my house.

But I recently noticed some adult sites listed in my browsing history and I knew one of them had to be the culprets.

Boys will be boys… BUT NOT ON MY SHIFT!

So I didn’t say a word… and just purchased your software and installed it in 5 minutes.

Problem solved. Thank you!”

I have been researching a program like this for my home network for about 6 months and I find that your program beats all of your competitors.

I am a Network Administrator for a company so I am fully aware of security loopholes in any type of networks. Having teenagers in the household also drove me to protect my mini network at home from all that comes along. We have always had problems with our oldest son to get him off the computer when it is time to come off.

With this program it does it all – I am very impressed with this. It has the simplicity for all parental administrators to manage their families using the family computers.

I strongly recommend this software application to any family household. I have already referred a lot of my friends to MyPornBlocker who are having the same issues as we are with the kids on the computers. Hats off to you guys at – a very well thought out program.

Gerald Bollinger

Ridgewood, New York

My Son does not like your software. (That is an understatement). He called you thinking if she canceled the order that she could get on her computer.

Please disregard the phone call. Until I installed your software, he was getting up in the middle of the night and going in chat rooms.

A 12 year old has no business in chat rooms or on a computer when he should be in bed. Your software appears to be doing exactly as you advertised.

Now he has the opportunity to go outside and play during the day and sleep at night, without me worrying what he is getting into on the Internet.

J. Salisbury

Ontario, Canada

I had tried 6 different programs, including NetNanny, CyberSitter 9, ParentalControl etc. … I found My Porn Blocker to be the most user friendly, the menus self-explanatory and the help files very in depth. You are more than welcome to use the letter on your testimonial page as I find this software excellent, and have no hesitation in sharing my views or recommending the software.

Thanks for the excellent program, which I will be purchasing. Not only do I have peace of mind, but feel confident that the PC can be used by anyone without worrying as to the content being looked at over the net.

Britney Colls

Oslo, Norway

I’m a small business owner and I recently found out some of my employees were viewing obscene material while at work.

That’s something I have to really be concerned about.

We employ both male and female workers and I could face sexual harrassment charges if I don’t protect ALL my employees from that kind of stuff.

Well hello MyPornBlocker!

Works like magic and I don’t have to worry about that sort of content ever being viewed in the office anymore.

Thanks for the excellent product.

Frank S.

Portland, OR

I’m sort of ashamed to admit it… but I wanted to write and thank you for the excellent product.

You see, I’m a happily married 29 year old man.. but I recently found myself browsing online pornography several hours a day at times. I was worried I was becomming an addict.

I love my wife and yet I found myself more interested in browsing porn than spending time together.

So, I went online and did some research and I found your product.

I installed it on our computer and now I stay away from those sites.

Thanks for creating such an awesome product.

Dave Cace

Carterette, NJ

My husband and I have been married for 22 years now and he recently began viewing a lot of pornography online.

It didn’t bother me at first, but then I started really feeling bad about it.

I purchased your software and told him I installed it… and he actually thanked me for doing so.

Thanks for the great product!

Sandra Z.

St. Petersburg, FL

Click here to get Parental control | anti porn | kids safety | block web site | content filtering | k9 parental control | porn addiction | block websites at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Parental control | anti porn | kids safety | block web site | content filtering | k9 parental control | porn addiction | block websites is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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